Monthly Archives: February 2018

First shop update of 2018

Well, it’s been a while, but I’ve updated the Etsy shop for the first time this year.  There’s plenty of 4ply/sock yarn in the shop now, with some top ups of favourite colourways, some completely new colourways and some that have only been previously available at shows.

Here are some new colourways:

'Marie's Dad's New Boots', named after a customer asked for some purple and yellow yarn to go with her Dad's new Dr Marten boots!

‘Marie’s Dad’s New Boots’, named after a customer asked for some purple and yellow yarn to go with her Dad’s new Dr Marten boots!

This is 'Lucifer', originally dyed for one of Baa Baa Brighouse's yarn club.

This is ‘Lucifer’, originally dyed for one of Baa Baa Brighouse’s yarn club.

The one is currently without a name as it's a bit of a one off!

The one is currently without a name as it’s a bit of a one off!

Here are some of the favourite colourways topped up:

The ever popular 'Rainbow'.

The ever popular ‘Rainbow’.

Another popular one 'Under the Sea'.

Another popular one ‘Under the Sea’.

And a couple of colourways that haven’t been in the Etsy shop before, just at shows:

'Painted Sage' dyed from a photo of flowers taken at the Gardens of Heligan in Cornwall.

‘Painted Sage’ dyed from a photo of flowers taken at the Gardens of Heligan in Cornwall.

'Harrogate Blooms', dyed for a photo of tulips from Harlow Carr gardens in Harrogate.

‘Harrogate Blooms’, dyed for a photo of tulips from Harlow Carr gardens in Harrogate.

Another one originally dyed for a Baa Baa Brighouse yarn club 'The Folly'.

Another one originally dyed for a Baa Baa Brighouse yarn club ‘The Folly’.

'Explosion in a Dye Factory' with a pinky purpley base.

‘Explosion in a Dye Factory’ with a pinky purpley base.

So there we are, lots of lovely colour hand dyed on British wool, with natural dyes.  They are all available in the Sylvan Tiger Yarn Etsy shop now.